Word Breaks

August 12, 2011

Daniel Tunkelang posted this interview question to his blog:

Given an input string and a dictionary of words, segment the input string into a space-separated sequence of dictionary words if possible. For example, if the input string is “applepie” and dictionary contains a standard set of English words, then we would return the string “apple pie” as output.

He also gave a number of constraints: The dictionary provides a single operation, exact string lookup, and is a given to the task; you are not to consider how to implement the dictionary, nor or you to worry about stemming, spelling correction, or other aspects of the dictionary. The output may have more than two words, if there is more than one solution you only need to return one of them, and your function should indicate if there are no solutions.

Your task is to write a function that solves the “word break” problem. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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15 Responses to “Word Breaks”

  1. A solution in Scheme. Nice!

  2. Adolfo said

    My straightforward (and naïve) solutions in both Racket and Python:

    #lang racket
    (define dictionary
      (set "a" "brown" "apple" "pie"))
    (define (in-prefixes str)
      (define (pos->element i)
        (values (substring str 0 (+ 1 i)) (substring str (+ 1 i))))
      (define (next-pos i)
        (+ i 1))
      (define initial-position 0)
      (define (contains-index? i)
        (< i (string-length str)))
      (define (contains-value? prefix rest)
      (define (contains-index-and-value? i prefix rest)
       (lambda ()
         (values pos->element
    (define (string-empty? str)
      (zero? (string-length str)))
    (define (word-break dictionary word)
      (for/first (((prefix remaining) (in-prefixes word))
                  #:when (set-member? dictionary prefix)
                  (rest (in-value (if (string-empty? remaining)
                                      (word-break dictionary remaining))))
                  #:when rest)
        (cons prefix rest)))
    #! /usr/bin/env python
    DICTIONARY = {'a', 'apple', 'pie', 'brown'}
    def word_break(dictionary, word):
        def break_string(s):
            return [] if s == '' else word_break(dictionary, s)
        for split_point in range(len(word) + 1):
            prefix = word[:split_point]
            if prefix in dictionary:
                rest = break_string(word[split_point:])
                if rest is not None:
                    return [prefix] + rest
  3. Graham said

    A Python solution:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    def segments(s, d):
        segs = []
        while s:
            if s in d:
                s = ""
            for i in xrange(1, len(s)):
                if s[:i] in d:
                    s = s[i:]
                if i == len(s) - 1:    # already tested full string s
                    s = ""
        return " ".join(segs)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        d = set(["a", "aa", "aaa", "ab", "apple", "apricot", "is", "pie", "test", "this"])
        print segments("thisisatest", d)
        print segments("aaab", d)

    Not pretty, to be sure, but it seems to get the job done.

  4. Mike said

    Another Python solution.

    I looked at a histogram of word length for the dictionary. In order of decreasing frequency, the word lengths are [8, 7, 9, 6, …]. gen_split() tries to split off a prefix of the input string using the word lengths in order of decreasing frequency.

    gen_split() generates different splits of the input string. split() returns just the first one.

    from collections import Counter
    from itertools import chain, count
    with open("12dicts/5desk.txt", "rt") as f:
        words = {line.strip() for line in f}
    # word lengths in order of decreasing frequency
    lengths = [t[0] for t in Counter(map(len, words)).most_common()]
    def gen_split(string, dictionary):
        if string:
            for n in lengths:
                if n > len(string): continue
                if string[:n] in dictionary:
                    for rest in gen_split(string[n:], dictionary):
                        yield [string[:n]] + rest
            yield []
    def split(string, dictionary):
        words = next(gen_split(string, dictionary), None)
        return ' '.join(words) if words else None
    # testing
    from random import sample
    for n in range(2,7):
        test = ''.join(sample(words, n))
        print('split("{}") ->\n\t"{}"\n'.format(test, split(test, words)))
    # sample output
    #split("cobbleddruggist") ->
    #	"cobbled druggist"
    #split("phospholipidoasisdeterment") ->
    #	"phospholipid oasis determent"
    #split("remuneratorunmelodiouspancreaticnonviable") ->
    #	"remunerator unmelodious pancreatic nonviable"
    #split("sweatinesssignatorycampsitereflowerpapaw") ->
    #	"sweatiness signatory campsite reflower papaw"
    #split("awestruckmonasticismBarclayshamKampalapressured") ->
    #	"awestruck monastic ism Barclay sham Kampala pressure d"
  5. Maybe this will be better:

  6. Jussi Piitulainen said

    Consider a procedure, (for-each-partition proc s word?), that walks
    proc over all partitions of the given string s into words recognized
    by the given predicate, word?, like this:

    > (for-each-partition write "frukosten" word?)
    ("frukosten")("fru" "kosten")("fru" "ko" "sten")>

    The problem statement asks for joining the parts into a single string;
    that would be easy to do. The example uses this dictionary predicate:

    (define (word? s)
      (member s '("fru" "kost" "kosten" "frukost" "ost"                                                                          
                  "frukosten" "ko" "sten")))

    Then an escape procedure can be used to receive the first solution
    found by for-each-partition, or #f if there are none, as follows:

    > (call-with-current-continuation
         (lambda (k) (for-each-partition k "frukosten" word?) #f))

    It is now possible to add conditions. For example, the first partition
    into three words:

    > (call-with-current-continuation
         (lambda (k) (for-each-partition (lambda (p)                                                                             
                                            (if (= 3 (length p)) (k p)))
                        "frukosten" word?)
    ("fru" "ko" "sten")

    (The indentations look all wrong to me after cut-and-paste and I see no
    revied button. Let us see.)

  7. Jussi Piitulainen said

    Ok, the indentations look right in the published version, within the
    sourcode brackets. Below is an implementation of for-each-partition.
    It works on an agenda of reversed position sequences, so that the
    first index in an agenda task is a position where the next word needs
    to be found. It memoizes the end positions of the recognized words at
    those start positions where it needs to find more ways forward.

    (define (for-each-partition proc s word?)
      (let* ((n (string-length s))
             (memory (make-vector n #f))
             (agenda '((0))))
        (let do-agenda ()
          (if (and (pair? agenda) (positive? n))
              (let* ((task (car agenda)) (b (car task)))
                (set! agenda (cdr agenda))
                (if (not (vector-ref memory b))
                    (vector-set! memory b
                                 (do ((e (+ b 1) (+ e 1))
                                      (es '() (if (word? (substring s b e))
                                                  (cons e es)
                                     ((> e n) es))))
                (for-each (lambda (e)
    			(let ((next (cons e task)))
                              (if (= e n)
                                  (proc (substrings s (reverse next)))
                                  (set! agenda (cons next agenda)))))
                          (vector-ref memory b))
    (define (substrings s ix)
      (map (lambda (b e) (substring s b e))
           (reverse (cdr (reverse ix)))
           (cdr ix)))
  8. Jussi Piitulainen said

    (I have no idea what happened to the indentation of line 17 above. It
    is right in my editor window. There are tabs, but there are tabs on
    many other lines that did not break.)

  9. bablu said

    static void Main(string[] args)
    string[] lookupTable = { “apple”, “Bat”, “Candle”, “Donkey”, “Eat”, “Sat” };
    string str = string.Empty;
    Console.WriteLine(“Please enter a string”);
    str = Console.ReadLine();
    string strToSearch = string.Empty;
    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
    if (' ' == str[i])
    strToSearch += str[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < lookupTable.Length; j++)
    if (strToSearch.ToUpper() == lookupTable[j].ToUpper())
    int pos = str.IndexOf(strToSearch) + strToSearch.Length;
    str = str.Insert(pos, " ");
    strToSearch = string.Empty;


  10. Sleiman jneidi said

    This is my C# Code

    string[] dic = { “a”, “brown” ,”apple”, “pie”};
    string input = “abrownapplepie”;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Regex[] regexes = dic.Select(c => new Regex(c)).ToArray();
    foreach (var reg in regexes)
    sb.Append(reg.Match(input).Value + ” “);


  11. Juan Ignacio Saba said

    My 2 cents, in Perl.

    In this implementation, I try to find the longest prefix in the input that exists in the dictionary, and then do a recursive call for the rest of the input.

    In order to test it, and just for fun, I built myself a small dictionary file (using the 187 most used words in the english dictionary), taken from here:

    And I tested it like this:

    juansaba-macbook-pro:word_breaks juansaba$ ./word_break.pl everymanshouldgo dict.txt 
    every man should go
    juansaba-macbook-pro:word_breaks juansaba$ ./word_break.pl nowornever dict.txt 
    now or never
    juansaba-macbook-pro:word_breaks juansaba$ ./word_break.pl because dict.txt 
    juansaba-macbook-pro:word_breaks juansaba$ ./word_break.pl forthewin dict.txt                                (the word 'win' was just not among the 187 most used words :( ...)
    juansaba-macbook-pro:word_breaks juansaba$ ./word_break.pl youdonotknowjusthowlong dict.txt 
    you do not know just how long

    And here’s the source:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my ($string, $dictionary_path) = @ARGV;
    # Read the dictionary
    my $dictionary = {};
    open my $dfh, "<", $dictionary_path or die "Could not open '$dictionary_path' for reading: $!";
    while(<$dfh>) { chomp; $dictionary->{lc($_)} = 1 }
    close $dfh;
    # Find the first phrase
    my $phrase = findPhrase($string, $dictionary);
    print "".(defined $phrase ? $phrase : "NO_SOLUTION")."\n";
    sub findPhrase {
        my $string = shift;
        my $dictionary = shift;
        for(my $prefix_length = length($string); $prefix_length >= 1; $prefix_length--) {
            my $prefix = substr($string, 0, $prefix_length);
            my $rest = substr($string, $prefix_length);
            if(defined $dictionary->{$prefix}) {
                return $prefix if $rest eq "";
                my $rec_phrase = findPhrase($rest, $dictionary);
                return $prefix." ".$rec_phrase if defined $rec_phrase;
        return undef;

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